Service area: Santa Cruz, Monterey, santa clara & san benito county

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Construction Repairs for Infestation Damage

construction Repairs in California

4 Less Termite, Inc. offers a complete suite of in-house construction services for nearly any size job. We can identify, treat and complete the repairs caused by wood destroying organisms to increase the longevity of your structure. We offer expertise using a creative and common-sense approach, with a goal of implementing affordable solutions to meet the individual short-and long-term goals of our clients.

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two business man construction site engineer

Responsibility & Liability

We are often asked whether a licensed contractor should do repairs identified in a termite inspection report. When it comes to repairing structural damage caused by wood destroying organisms, the California Structural Control Board holds licensed pest control operators to a higher standard. While many contractors and handy-men are capable of topically or aesthetically addressing infestations and making it appear as if the issues has been resolved, there is no regulatory agency or governing body requiring these tradesmen to completely remove any and all infested wood and properly address the source or continuing factors of the infestation.

Property Owners

Repairing damage caused by wood destroying organisms and preventing future infestations is not as simple as it may seem. If the infested wood is not completely removed when the repairs are made, or if the conditions that made the structure susceptible to the infestation are not fully addressed, then these infestations will continue to spread or will re-appear. We strongly encourage our clients to ask the tough questions and remain engaged throughout the repair process to ensure the repairs are done correctly and the conditions that invited the infestation are adequately addressed.

Realtors & Listing Agents

It is critical for Realtors to require repairs be done correctly in order to protect their clients. As a condition of lending, many financial institutions require Section 1 repairs identified in a termite report be addressed, including certification from a licensed pest control operator that the repairs were done correctly. Licensed pest control operators can only ensure repairs are done correctly after confirming the infested wood was removed completely, then ensuring the structural integrity of the repair is adequate. It should also be confirmed that the issues that made the environment conducive to the infestation are addressed.

Construction & Repairs

Services include, but are not limited to, removal, repair and replacement of damage resulting from infestations and moisture damage in and around:

Decks and Subarea Framing



Kitchen cabinets



Support beams


Fencing and gates

Vinyl flooring

Faulty grades

Tubs and showers

Retaining walls

Concrete and foundations

Hot water heater platforms

Walkways and driveways

Siding, roof sheathing and gutters

Rafter tails

Interior/exterior doors, door jambs, decorative trim, and door flashing

Want to make sure the scope of repairs proposed is going to address the problems that have been identified? We are happy to offer competitive bids on all types of repairs. For more information, please Customer Service.

Want to make sure you are getting the best
deal on your services?

If you have already had an inspection, the report you received will itemize the recommended work needed to address your identified infestation. We are happy to offer competitive bids on spot treatments, fumigations and all types repairs. For more information, please contact Customer Service at 831-465-1699.

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NOTE: Because the nature and extent of Wood Destroying Organism Infestations change over time, so Wood Destroying Pests and Organisms Reports State of California only considers Wood Destroying Pests and Organisms Inspection Reports valid for a period of four months – after that another inspection is required in order for the infestation to be identified, treated and repaired correctly.